AlphaTab allows configuring the colors and fonts used for rendering via the rendering resources settings. Please note that as of today this is the primary way of changing the way how alphaTab styles elements. CSS styling in the browser cannot be guaranteed to work due to its flexibility.
Due to space reasons in the following table the common prefix of the settings are removed. Please refer to these examples to eliminate confusion on the usage:
Platform | Prefix | Example Usage |
JavaScript | display.resources. | settings.display.resources.wordsFont = ... |
JSON | display.resources. | var settings = { display: { resources: { wordsFonts: '...'} } }; |
JSON | resources. | var settings = { resources: { wordsFonts: '...'} }; |
HTML | data-display-resources- | <div data-display-resources-wordsfont="..."> |
HTML | data-resources- | <div data-resources-wordsfont="..."> |
.net | Display.Resources. | settings.Display.Resources.WordsFonts = ... |
Android | display.resources. | settings.display.resources.wordsFonts = ... |
Following resources exist for adjusting the style.
Resource | Type | Default | Summary |
barNumberColorJavaScript barNumberColorJSON barnumbercolorHTML BarNumberColor.net barNumberColorAndroid | colorAll | rgb(200, 0, 0) | The color to use for displaying the bar numbers above the music sheet. |
barSeparatorColorJavaScript barSeparatorColorJSON barseparatorcolorHTML BarSeparatorColor.net barSeparatorColorAndroid | colorAll | rgb(34, 34, 17) | The color to use for rendering bar separators, the accolade and repeat signs. |
mainGlyphColorJavaScript mainGlyphColorJSON mainglyphcolorHTML MainGlyphColor.net mainGlyphColorAndroid | colorAll | rgb(0, 0, 0) | The color to use for music notation elements of the primary voice. |
scoreInfoColorJavaScript scoreInfoColorJSON scoreinfocolorHTML ScoreInfoColor.net scoreInfoColorAndroid | colorAll | rgb(0, 0, 0) | The color to use for displaying the song information above the music sheets. |
secondaryGlyphColorJavaScript secondaryGlyphColorJSON secondaryglyphcolorHTML SecondaryGlyphColor.net secondaryGlyphColorAndroid | colorAll | rgb(0,0,0,0.4) | The color to use for music notation elements of the secondary voices. |
staffLineColorJavaScript staffLineColorJSON stafflinecolorHTML StaffLineColor.net staffLineColorAndroid | colorAll | rgb(165, 165, 165) | The color to use for rendering the lines of staves. |
barNumberFontJavaScript barNumberFontJSON barnumberfontHTML BarNumberFont.net barNumberFontAndroid | fontAll | 11px Arial, sans-serif | The font to use for displaying the bar numbers above the music sheet. |
copyrightFontJavaScript copyrightFontJSON copyrightfontHTML CopyrightFont.net copyrightFontAndroid | fontAll | bold 12px Arial, sans-serif | The font to use for displaying the songs copyright information in the header of the music sheet., |
effectFontJavaScript effectFontJSON effectfontHTML EffectFont.net effectFontAndroid | fontAll | italic 12px Georgia, serif | The font to use for displaying certain effect related elements in the music sheet. |
fingeringFontJavaScript fingeringFontJSON fingeringfontHTML FingeringFont.net fingeringFontAndroid | fontAll | 14px Georgia, serif | The font to use for displaying finger information in the music sheet. |
fretboardNumberFontJavaScript fretboardNumberFontJSON fretboardnumberfontHTML FretboardNumberFont.net fretboardNumberFontAndroid | fontAll | 11px Arial, sans-serif | The font to use for displaying the fretboard numbers in chord diagrams. |
graceFontJavaScript graceFontJSON gracefontHTML GraceFont.net graceFontAndroid | fontAll | 11px Arial, sans-serif | The font to use for grace notation related texts in the music sheet. |
markerFontJavaScript markerFontJSON markerfontHTML MarkerFont.net markerFontAndroid | fontAll | bold 14px Georgia, serif | The font to use for section marker labels shown above the music sheet. |
subTitleFontJavaScript subTitleFontJSON subtitlefontHTML SubTitleFont.net subTitleFontAndroid | fontAll | 20px Georgia, serif | The font to use for displaying the songs subtitle in the header of the music sheet. |
tablatureFontJavaScript tablatureFontJSON tablaturefontHTML TablatureFont.net tablatureFontAndroid | fontAll | 13px Arial, sans-serif | The font to use for displaying the guitar tablature numbers in the music sheet. |
titleFontJavaScript titleFontJSON titlefontHTML TitleFont.net titleFontAndroid | fontAll | 32px Georgia, serif | The font to use for displaying the songs title in the header of the music sheet. |
wordsFontJavaScript wordsFontJSON wordsfontHTML WordsFont.net wordsFontAndroid | fontAll | 15px Arial, sans-serif | The font to use for displaying the lyrics information in the header of the music sheet. |
timerFontJavaScript timerFontJSON timerfontHTML TimerFont.net timerFontAndroid | fontAll | 12px Georgia, serif | since 1.4.0The font to use for displaying beat time information in the music sheet. |
directionsFontJavaScript directionsFontJSON directionsfontHTML DirectionsFont.net directionsFontAndroid | fontAll | 14px Georgia, serif | since 1.4.0The font to use for displaying the directions texts. |
numberedNotationFontJavaScript numberedNotationFontJSON numberednotationfontHTML NumberedNotationFont.net numberedNotationFontAndroid | fontAll | 16px Arial, sans-serif | since 1.4.0The font to use for displaying the numbered music notation in the music sheet. |
numberedNotationGraceFontJavaScript numberedNotationGraceFontJSON numberednotationgracefontHTML NumberedNotationGraceFont.net numberedNotationGraceFontAndroid | fontAll | 14px Arial, sans-serif | since 1.4.0The font to use for displaying the grace notes in numbered music notation in the music sheet. |
inlineFingeringFontJavaScript inlineFingeringFontJSON inlinefingeringfontHTML InlineFingeringFont.net inlineFingeringFontAndroid | fontAll | 12px Georgia, serif | since 1.4.0The font to use for displaying finger information when inline into the music sheet. |
For the JavaScript platform any font that might be installed on the client machines can be used. Any additional fonts can be added via WebFonts. The rendering of the score will be delayed until it is detected that the font was loaded. Simply use any CSS font property compliant string as configuration. Relative font sizes with percentual values are not supported, remaining values will be considered if supported.
Since 1.2.3 Multiple fonts are also supported for the Web version. alphaTab will check if any of the fonts in the list is loaded instead of all. If none is available at the time alphaTab is initialized, it will try to initiate the load of the specified fonts individual through the Browser Font APIs.
For the .net platform any installed font on the system can be used. Simply construct the Font
object to configure your desired fonts.
For JavaScript you can use any CSS font property compliant string. (#RGB, #RGBA, #RRGGBB, #RRGGBBAA, rgb(r,g,b), rgba(r,g,b,a) )
On .net simply construct the Color
object to configure your desired color.