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In this section you find all details about how to write music notation using AlphaTex. AlphaTex is a text format for writing music notation for AlphaTab. AlphaTex loading can be enabled by specifying data-tex="true" on the container element. AlphaTab will load the tex code from the element contents and parse it. AlphaTex supports most of the features alphaTab supports overall. If you find anything missing you would like to see, feel free to initiate a Discussion on GitHub so we can find a good solution together.


Here is an example score fully rendered using alphaTex.

\title "Canon Rock" \subtitle "JerryC" \tempo 90 . :2 19.2{v f} 17.2{v f} | 15.2{v f} 14.2{v f} | 12.2{v f} 10.2{v f} | 12.2{v f} 14.2{v f}.4 :8 15.2 17.2 | 14.1.2 :8 17.2 15.1 14.1{h} 17.2 | 15.2{v d}.4 :16 17.2{h} 15.2 :8 14.2 14.1 17.1{b (0 4 4 0)}.4 | 15.1.8 :16 14.1{tu 3} 15.1{tu 3} 14.1{tu 3} :8 17.2 15.1 14.1 :16 12.1{tu 3} 14.1{tu 3} 12.1{tu 3} :8 15.2 14.2 | 12.2 14.3 12.3 15.2 :32 14.2{h} 15.2{h} 14.2{h} 15.2{h} 14.2{h} 15.2{h} 14.2{h} 15.2{h} 14.2{h} 15.2{h} 14.2{h} 15.2{h} 14.2{h} 15.2{h} 14.2{h} 15.2{h}
\title "Canon Rock"
\subtitle "JerryC"
\tempo 90
:2 19.2{v f} 17.2{v f} |
15.2{v f} 14.2{v f} |
12.2{v f} 10.2{v f} |
12.2{v f} 14.2{v f}.4 :8 15.2 17.2 |
14.1.2 :8 17.2 15.1 14.1{h} 17.2 |
15.2{v d}.4 :16 17.2{h} 15.2 :8 14.2 14.1 17.1{b (0 4 4 0)}.4 |
15.1.8 :16 14.1{tu 3} 15.1{tu 3} 14.1{tu 3} :8 17.2 15.1 14.1 :16 12.1{tu 3} 14.1{tu 3} 12.1{tu 3} :8 15.2 14.2 |
12.2 14.3 12.3 15.2 :32 14.2{h} 15.2{h} 14.2{h} 15.2{h} 14.2{h} 15.2{h} 14.2{h} 15.2{h} 14.2{h} 15.2{h} 14.2{h} 15.2{h} 14.2{h} 15.2{h} 14.2{h} 15.2{h}