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The lyrics system of alphaTab is borrowed from Guitar Pro. For every track multiple "lines" of lyrics can be defined which can either start at the beginning or at a later bar. The syllables of the procided lyrics are spread automatically across the beats of the track. Syllables are separated with spaces. If multiple words/syllables should stay on the same beat the space can be replaced with a +. Comments which should not be displayed can be put [into brackets].

To add lyrics to a track use the \lyrics "Text" or \lyrics StartBar "Text" metadata tag on track/staff level.

Here some samples:

\title "With Lyrics" \instrument piano . \lyrics "Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti" C4 D4 E4 F4 | G4 A4 B4 r
\title "With Lyrics"
\instrument piano
\lyrics "Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti"
C4 D4 E4 F4 | G4 A4 B4 r
\title "Combine Syllables (and empty beats)" \instrument piano . \lyrics "Do+Do Mi+Mi" C4 C4 E4 E4
\title "Combine Syllables (and empty beats)"
\instrument piano
\lyrics "Do+Do Mi+Mi"
C4 C4 E4 E4
\title "Start Later" \instrument piano . \lyrics 2 "Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti" r r r r | r r r r | C4 D4 E4 F4 | G4 A4 B4 r
\title "Start Later"
\instrument piano
\lyrics 2 "Do Re Mi Fa So La Ti"
r r r r | r r r r |
C4 D4 E4 F4 | G4 A4 B4 r
\title "Comment" \subtitle "Useful when loading lyrics from a different source" \instrument piano . \lyrics "[This is a comment]Do Re Mi Fa" C4 D4 E4 F4
\title "Comment"
\subtitle "Useful when loading lyrics from a different source"
\instrument piano
\lyrics "[This is a comment]Do Re Mi Fa"
C4 D4 E4 F4