idAll | string | The unique id of the chunk to request rendering through [`renderResult`](/docs/reference/scorerenderer/renderresult) Since 1.2.3 |
xAll | int | The absolute x-position of the chunk within the overall music sheet. Since 1.2.3 |
yAll | int | The absolute y-position of the chunk within the overall music sheet. Since 1.2.3 |
widthAll | int | The width of the current rendering result. |
heightAll | int | The height of the current rendering result. |
totalWidthAll | int | The currently known total width of the final music sheet. |
totalHeightAll | int | The currently known total height of the final music sheet. |
firstMasterBarIndexAll | int | The index of the first masterbar that was rendered in this result. |
lastMasterBarIndexAll | int | The last masterbar that was rendered in this result. |
renderResultAll | object | The render engine specific result object which contains the rendered music sheet: - For `svg` it will contain the raw SVG string, - For `html5` it will contain a HTML5 canvas DOM element - For `skia` it will contain a `SkImage` - For `gdi` it will contain a `Bitmap` |