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since 0.9.4


AlphaTab does not render the whole music sheet into a single canvas but rather splits it down into smaller chunks. This allows faster display of results to the user and avoids issues related to browser restrictions (like maximum canvas sizes).

This event is fired whenever one chunk of the music sheet is fully rendered.

Since 1.2.3 the rendering of a chunk needs to be requested via the renderResult method after a chunk was advertised through the partialLayoutFinished event.




The object containing the information about the chunk.


The object containing the information about the chunk.


The object containing the information about the chunk.

AlphaTab.Rendering.RenderFinishedEventArgs Properties​

idAllstringThe unique id of the chunk to request rendering through [`renderResult`](/docs/reference/scorerenderer/renderresult) Since 1.2.3
xAllintThe absolute x-position of the chunk within the overall music sheet. Since 1.2.3
yAllintThe absolute y-position of the chunk within the overall music sheet. Since 1.2.3
widthAllintThe width of the current rendering result.
heightAllintThe height of the current rendering result.
totalWidthAllintThe currently known total width of the final music sheet.
totalHeightAllintThe currently known total height of the final music sheet.
firstMasterBarIndexAllintThe index of the first masterbar that was rendered in this result.
lastMasterBarIndexAllintThe last masterbar that was rendered in this result.
renderResultAllobjectThe render engine specific result object which contains the rendered music sheet: - For `svg` it will contain the raw SVG string, - For `html5` it will contain a HTML5 canvas DOM element - For `skia` it will contain a `SkImage` - For `gdi` it will contain a `Bitmap`