alphaTab supports several different layouts which align bars in a various manner.
Page Layout​
All bars are aligned in rows side by side till the row is full.
Multi Track​
You want to render multiple tracks at once. No Problem
Page Layout (custom width)​
All bars are aligned in rows side by side till the row is full.
Page Layout (5 bars per row)​
You can configure how many bars should be placed per row
Page Layout (bar 5 to 8)​
It's also possible to only render some of the bars available in a track.
Horizontal Layout​
This is another layout type available. All bars are aligned horizontally.
Horizontal Layout (bar 5 to 8)​
You can also filter the rendered bars using this layout.
Multi-Bar Rests​
alphaTab can load the information whether Multi-Bar rests should be used from input files and then merge the bars when displaying accordingly. The bars are automatically merged if they are empty or contain only rests.
For Guitar Pro files the format is loaded from the files and for alphaTex it can be specified with a range of metadata options. The available options on the stylesheet are: