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Capella/CapXML (.capx)


Capella is a music notation software developed by the German company capella-software AG.

Older versions of Capella had binary formats. alphaTab is only compatible with the XML based formats. Capella files are Zip archives containing one single score.xml file following the CapXML schema.

Compatibility Level: Only very basic support, not well tested

Capella describes a lot of notation elements rather visually through "graphical objects" than semantically. This requires alphaTab to make a best-guess on which exact beats/notes what elements should be applied.

Feature Table

Number of total supported features: 63% (38.5/61)
Number of relevant supported features: 50% (24/48)

Table Legend

The following table describes the support of the different features of the input format.


  • Feature: The related feature. If marked with ⭐ its a new or changed feature compared to the previous version of this format (e.g. a feature added in Guitar Pro 6)
  • Data Model: Whether alphaTab supports storing this information in its own data model (e.g. from other formats).
  • Reading: Whether alphaTab can read this information from the file format.
  • Rendering: Whether alphaTab can display the information in the music sheet when rendered (display might differ from reference software).
  • Audio: Whether alphaTab can generate audio information for this feature.
  • alphaTex: Whether this feature is supported when describing music notation with alphaTex.


  • ✅ Supported - The feature is fully supported by alphaTab.
  • ⚠️ Partial - The feature is partially supported by alphaTab, hover the item to see more details.
  • ❌ Not Supported - The feature is not supported by alphaTab.
  • ✅ Ignored - The feature is ignored from the input format because it is considered not relevant for display or playback. This is opinionated based on the feature set in alphaTab, open a feature request if you need it.
FeatureData ModelReadingRenderingAudioalphaTex
Top Level
Score Information (info)✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Ignored✅ Supported
Page Objects (pageObjects)✅ Ignored✅ Ignored✅ Ignored✅ Ignored✅ Ignored
Bar Numbering (barCount)❌ Not Supported❌ Not Supported⚠️ Partial✅ Ignored❌ Not Supported
Gallery (gallery)✅ Ignored✅ Ignored✅ Ignored✅ Ignored✅ Ignored
layout/singlePart✅ Ignored✅ Ignored✅ Ignored✅ Ignored✅ Ignored
Page Size (layout/pages)✅ Ignored✅ Ignored✅ Ignored✅ Ignored✅ Ignored
Margins (layout/distances)✅ Ignored✅ Ignored✅ Ignored✅ Ignored✅ Ignored
Score > General > Instrument Names (layout/instrumentNames)✅ Ignored✅ Ignored✅ Ignored✅ Ignored✅ Ignored
Note Sizes (layout/style/noteSpaces)✅ Ignored✅ Ignored✅ Ignored✅ Ignored✅ Ignored
Notation Style & Sizes (layout/style)✅ Ignored✅ Ignored✅ Ignored✅ Ignored✅ Ignored
Spacing (layout/spacing)✅ Ignored✅ Ignored✅ Ignored✅ Ignored✅ Ignored
Beam gradient (layout/beamFlattening)✅ Ignored✅ Ignored✅ Ignored✅ Ignored✅ Ignored
Automatically place new objects (layout/autoPlacement)✅ Ignored✅ Ignored✅ Ignored✅ Ignored✅ Ignored
Track Level
Track Name✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Ignored✅ Ignored✅ Supported
Track Short Name✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Ignored✅ Supported
Stave Arrangement (layout/brackets and layout/staves)✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Ignored✅ Supported
Custom Spacings✅ Ignored❌ Not Supported✅ Supported✅ Ignored✅ Ignored
Bar Level
Clefs✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported
Key Signatures✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported
Time Signatures✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported
Double Bar✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Ignored✅ Supported
Anacrusis✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported
Repeats✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported
Alternate Endings✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported
Free Time✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported
Multibar Rest❌ Not Supported❌ Not Supported❌ Not Supported❌ Not Supported❌ Not Supported
Simile Marks (Bar Repeats)✅ Supported❌ Not Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported
Beat Level
Chords✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported
Durations (Double Whole to 128th)✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported
Durations (Dots)✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported
Durations (Tuplets)✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported
Stem Direction✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported
Beam (force/divide)✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported
Lyrics✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported
Fermata✅ Supported⚠️ Partial✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported
Dynamics✅ Supported⚠️ Partial✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported
Text✅ Supported⚠️ Partial✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported
Vibrato✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported
Crescendo/Descrescendo✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported
Slur✅ Supported⚠️ Partial✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported
Tempo Changes✅ Supported❌ Not Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported
Directions✅ Supported❌ Not Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported
Ottavia✅ Supported❌ Not Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported
Grace Notes✅ Supported❌ Not Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported
Pick Strokes✅ Supported❌ Not Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported
Remaining Articulations 1✅ Supported❌ Not Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported
Sustain Pedal✅ Supported❌ Not Supported✅ Supported❌ Not Supported✅ Supported
Arpeggios✅ Supported❌ Not Supported✅ Supported❌ Not Supported✅ Supported
Chord Repeat❌ Not Supported❌ Not Supported❌ Not Supported❌ Not Supported❌ Not Supported
Trills✅ Supported❌ Not Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported
Ornaments✅ Supported❌ Not Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported
Chord Diagram✅ Supported❌ Not Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported
Custom Shapes (lines, rectangles, circles)✅ Ignored✅ Ignored✅ Ignored✅ Ignored✅ Ignored
Tremolo Picking✅ Supported❌ Not Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported
Note Level
Rests✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported
Staccato✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported
Accentuation (Normal/Heavy)✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported
Ties✅ Supported⚠️ Partial✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported
Accidentals✅ Supported❌ Not Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported✅ Supported
Custom note heads❌ Not Supported❌ Not Supported❌ Not Supported❌ Not Supported❌ Not Supported
Note Colors❌ Not Supported❌ Not Supported❌ Not Supported❌ Not Supported❌ Not Supported